Tape drive vendor information on Solaris 8

Wednesday, 06. 7. 2006  –  Category: all, sw

An ancient box, groaning under the weight of years of developer abuse, has a failing tape drive. How hard is it to get vendor information out of the OS? Easy, I thought, just use prtconf and look for the st paragraph:             st, instance #0 (driver not attached)                 System properties:                     name <lun> length <4>                         value <0x00000000>. […]

Logging client IP of reverse proxied web traffic

Thursday, 05. 18. 2006  –  Category: all, sw

‘Cos I always forget: LogFormat       "%{X-Forwarded-For}i %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" proxy This just makes Apache log the IP in the X-F-F HTTP header instead of %h in reverse-proxy scenarios.

Onboard RAID

Wednesday, 05. 17. 2006  –  Category: all, vague

Poor old zest.lemonia.org dropped off air, apparently with a dead CPU or motherboard. Its standby box, juice.lemonia.org was brought up with 15 hour old data (the backup sync cron’d at 0300, the failure happened at ~1800), but not before attempting to stick one half of zest’s mirror into juice. The root fs at /dev/ad1s1a was […]